Including:#How to set Normal and Chapter Headings.#How to Create an Automatic Clickable Table of Contents and#How to Validate your document using the Kindle Previewer tool.How to Publish Your eBook on the Kindle Direct Publishing platform.Comprehensive step-by-step instructions on how to complete each section of the Kindle publishing platform. HOW TO PUBLISH AN EBOOKStripping back the Formatting of your Manuscript to remove unwanted formatting.Using Simple Styles to Rebuild the Structure of your book. THIS IS A COMPLETE ONLINE COURSE IN THE FORM OF A BOOK!I have detailed screenshots of every step of the publishing process so that you can look over my shoulder as I transform a case study manuscript from raw text into a professional finished eBook and paperback.PART ONE.

It has been designed from the start to save you time and money. That's why I have created this Ultimate Guide to How to Publish a Book on Amazon. HOW TO PUBLISH A BOOK ON AMAZONKindle Direct Publishing has transformed the publishing industry, enabling writers around the world to share their work without the barriers of literary agents and traditional publishing and appeal directly to their readership.The challenge is that many authors struggle with the technical details of the formatting and publishing process. It is a wonderful thing and skill to have and with this quick guide, you would be all the better informed. Is that not amazing? Yes of course it is. So eventually, one is virtually left with the stress of creating a beautiful content and also receive royalties all from the comfort of your home. One of the stress in publishing is editing and Kindle Create will take care of that too.

The above is what Amazon offer through the KDP package. But all that stress has been tactfully and intelligently minimised to a convenient process where an individual can comfortably write and publish a book or eBook from the comfort of your home or where ever the case may be. Writing for a living is quite a demanding task as it's not easy to come up with something captivating, entertaining or educating not to talk of going through the publishing processes and then marketing. What matters is your values and aspirations which you want to share either as an investment or to encourage and help others. It is a fact that technology has indeed made the world a global village where boundaries, distance and time no longer pose as barriers to an individual's outreach. This book is a quick guide on how to self-publish your books articles, manuscript and other write-ups on Amazon using Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).