Breaking the opponent's weapon is finally mandatory, so better not forget your drill. It fully renegerates health when downed, but the real target is the sword he's wielding. And if you did it, they might have a second. Nintendo Hard: Breaking opponents weapons, even with the right skills, is not very easy.The player character can also be one of these if they focus on Axes. Can't jump, very slow, hits like a truck. Mighty Glacier: Run-Dor, the orange robot Guardian Beast.Master of None: The Guardian Beast Rufeel, the green one wearing a summer hat, is an all-around GB who can use all kinds of spell but she isn't the strongest with any of them.Loses the jump prohibition, gains a good chunk of movement speed, his special becomes a powerful projectile, he maintains his excessive amounts of HP and Defense, and he hits even harder than before. Lightning Bruiser: Robot Buddy Run-Dor 's true form.In-Series Nickname: Canonically, "Ritchie" for Ritchburn and "Rif" for Rifmonica.I Never Said It Was Poison: This is how Tram found out about Anise's true self.The player character can be one of these by focusing on Knuckles. Fast, spammy, but his HP and Defense leaves something to be desired.

This is a difficulty increasing hack and in some ways, a quality-of-life improvement hack.